You are currently viewing A Free Beer For Your Neighbeers

As the weather gets better and we can celebrate having our friends and neighbours back in our lives, we want to give you a little something to share with those you might not have had a beer with in a while. Or ever.

In honour of the restrictions easing ever so slightly, we’re giving you a beer and a tiny gift card to share with your nearest and beerest. Simply order a case from our web store and we’ll send you an extra pair of beers for your #Neighbeers.

Stick a note on the card, fold along the dotted line, stick the card under the tab and drop the cans to your favourite neighbours, family or friends, from a safe distance of course. Or even better invite them around!

We’d all love to be back in the pub, but for now let’s enjoy with a few cans in the garden with those closest to us. 

THW Neighbeers cards OW email 1

If online is not your thing, we’ve paired up with six great beer stores across the country. If you buy The White Hag beers from one of the stores below you’ll receive* your free #Neighbeers pack.

Dublin: McHugh’s Raheny, McHugh’s Portmarnock, Brickyard & DrinkStore Stoneybatter

Galway: The Blue Note Galway

Sligo: Foley’s Bar

Don’t forget to tag us @thewhitehag for a chance to win a full case for your #Neighbeerhood.

*Limited stock available. Be sure to ask for you Neighbeer pack in the beer store.

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